New York Times NYT Spelling Bee Answers and Solution for June 6, 2022

These are answers and solution to the New York Times Spelling Bee Puzzle. The answers for the NYT puzzle can be learned by watching the video below. Don’t forget to subscribe to get daily updates.

Today’s pangram is PAYCHECK.

PAYCHECK is defined as a check issued in payment of wages or salary.

ACHE is defined as feel physical pain. It is also defined as have a desire for something or someone who is not present. It is also defined as be the source of pain. It is also defined as a dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain.

ACHY is defined as causing a dull and steady pain.

APACE is defined as with speed. It is also defined as (poetic, literary) quickly.

CACHE is defined as (computer science) RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage that is continually updated; used to optimize data transfers between system elements with different characteristics. It is also defined as save up as for future use. It is also defined as a secret store of valuables or money. It is also defined as a hidden storage space (for money or provisions or weapons).

CAKE is defined as small flat mass of chopped food. It is also defined as form a coat over. It is also defined as a block of solid substance (such as soap or wax). It is also defined as baked goods made from or based on a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, and fat.

The word CAKEY has no known definition.

The word CAKY has no known definition.

CAPE is defined as a sleeveless garment like a cloak but shorter. It is also defined as a strip of land projecting into a body of water.

CHAP is defined as a long narrow depression in a surface. It is also defined as a boy or man. It is also defined as a crack in a lip caused usually by cold. It is also defined as crack due to dehydration. It is also defined as (usually in the plural) leather leggings without a seat; joined by a belt; often have flared outer flaps; worn over trousers by cowboys to protect their legs.

CHEAP is defined as tastelessly showy. It is also defined as relatively low in price or charging low prices. It is also defined as of very poor quality; flimsy. It is also defined as embarrassingly stingy.

EACH is defined as to or from every one of two or more (considered individually). It is also defined as (used of count nouns) every one considered individually.

HACK is defined as cough spasmodically. It is also defined as an old or over-worked horse. It is also defined as a car driven by a person whose job is to take passengers where they want to go in exchange for money. It is also defined as cut with a hacking tool. It is also defined as be able to manage or manage successfully. It is also defined as significantly cut up a manuscript. It is also defined as a mediocre and disdained writer. It is also defined as fix a computer program piecemeal until it works. It is also defined as one who works hard at boring tasks. It is also defined as a politician who belongs to a small clique that controls a political party for private rather than public ends. It is also defined as a horse kept for hire. It is also defined as a saddle horse used for transportation rather than sport etc.. It is also defined as a tool (as a hoe or pick or mattock) used for breaking up the surface of the soil. It is also defined as cut away. It is also defined as kick on the arms. It is also defined as kick on the shins.

The word HAKA has no known definition.

HAKE is defined as any of several marine food fishes related to cod. It is also defined as the lean flesh of a fish similar to cod.

HAPPY is defined as marked by good fortune. It is also defined as well expressed and to the point. It is also defined as eagerly disposed to act or to be of service. It is also defined as enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure.

HEAP is defined as a car that is old and unreliable. It is also defined as arrange in stacks. It is also defined as (often followed by `of’) a large number or amount or extent. It is also defined as a collection of objects laid on top of each other. It is also defined as bestow in large quantities. It is also defined as fill to overflow.

KAPPA is defined as the 10th letter of the Greek alphabet.

KAYAK is defined as a small canoe consisting of a light frame made watertight with animal skins; used by Eskimos. It is also defined as travel in a small canoe.

PACE is defined as a unit of length equal to 3 feet; defined as 91.44 centimeters; originally taken to be the average length of a stride. It is also defined as the relative speed of progress or change. It is also defined as measure (distances) by pacing. It is also defined as the rate of moving (especially walking or running). It is also defined as the rate of some repeating event. It is also defined as a step in walking or running. It is also defined as the distance covered by a step. It is also defined as go at a pace. It is also defined as regulate or set the pace of. It is also defined as walk with slow or fast paces.

PACK is defined as press down tightly. It is also defined as a cream that cleanses and tones the skin. It is also defined as an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose. It is also defined as have with oneself; have on one’s person. It is also defined as hike with a backpack. It is also defined as compress into a wad. It is also defined as press tightly together or cram. It is also defined as an association of criminals. It is also defined as a large indefinite number. It is also defined as load with a pack. It is also defined as have the property of being packable or of compacting easily. It is also defined as a bundle (especially one carried on the back). It is also defined as a complete collection of similar things. It is also defined as a convenient package or parcel (as of cigarettes or film). It is also defined as a group of hunting animals. It is also defined as arrange in a container. It is also defined as a sheet or blanket (either dry or wet) to wrap around the body for its therapeutic effect. It is also defined as carry, as on one’s back. It is also defined as fill to capacity. It is also defined as seal with packing. It is also defined as set up a committee or legislative body with one’s own supporters so as to influence the outcome. It is also defined as treat the body or any part of it by wrapping it, as with blankets or sheets, and applying compresses to it, or stuffing it to provide cover, containment, or therapy, or to absorb blood.

PAPA is defined as an informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talk.

PAPACY is defined as the government of the Roman Catholic Church.

PAPAYA is defined as tropical American shrub or small tree having huge deeply palmately cleft leaves and large oblong yellow fruit. It is also defined as large oval melon-like tropical fruit with yellowish flesh.

The word PAPPY has no known definition.

PAYEE is defined as a person to whom money is paid.

PEACE is defined as the absence of mental stress or anxiety. It is also defined as the general security of public places. It is also defined as a treaty to cease hostilities. It is also defined as harmonious relations; freedom from disputes. It is also defined as the state prevailing during the absence of war.

PEACH is defined as a very attractive or seductive looking woman. It is also defined as a shade of pink tinged with yellow. It is also defined as cultivated in temperate regions. It is also defined as divulge confidential information or secrets. It is also defined as downy juicy fruit with sweet yellowish or whitish flesh.

PEACHY is defined as of something resembling a peach in color. It is also defined as very good.

PEAK is defined as the highest point (of something). It is also defined as a V shape. It is also defined as the most extreme possible amount or value. It is also defined as to reach the highest point; attain maximum intensity, activity. It is also defined as the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill). It is also defined as a brim that projects to the front to shade the eyes. It is also defined as the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development. It is also defined as the period of greatest prosperity or productivity.

PEAKY is defined as having or as if having especially high-pitched spots.

The word YAPPY has no known definition.

YEAH is defined as not only so, but.

For the latest information about today’s New Yrok Times pangram, please go to Today’s NYT Pangram.


  1. Hama is an aggressive ceremonial war dance or challenge in New Zealand adopted by many NZ sports teams and often performed worldwide at games thus it is popularly known.

    • Previous comment had spelling error.

      Correction : HAKA is an aggressive ceremonial war dance or challenge in New Zealand adopted by many NZ sports teams and often performed worldwide at games thus it is popularly known.


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