New York Times NYT Spelling Bee Answers and Solution for May 9, 2022

These are answers and solution to the New York Times Spelling Bee Puzzle. The answers for the NYT puzzle can be learned by watching the video below. Don’t forget to subscribe to get daily updates.

Today’s pangram is BACKYARD.

BACKYARD is defined as the grounds in back of a house.

ABACK is defined as

ABBACY is defined as the jurisdiction or office of an abbot.

ABRACADABRA is defined as gibberish and nonsense.

ARRAY is defined as align oneself with a group or a way of thinking. It is also defined as especially fine or decorative clothing. It is also defined as lay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line. It is also defined as an arrangement of aerials spaced to give desired directional characteristics. It is also defined as an impressive display. It is also defined as an orderly arrangement.

BABA is defined as a small cake leavened with yeast.

BABKA is defined as a coffee cake flavored with orange rind and raisins and almonds.

BABY is defined as a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk. It is also defined as an immature childish person. It is also defined as treat with excessive indulgence. It is also defined as an unborn child; a human fetus. It is also defined as a project of personal concern to someone. It is also defined as a very young mammal. It is also defined as the youngest member of a group (not necessarily young).

BACK is defined as a support that you can lean against while sitting. It is also defined as give support or one’s approval to. It is also defined as establish as valid or genuine. It is also defined as the side that goes last or is not normally seen. It is also defined as the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book. It is also defined as the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord. It is also defined as the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine. It is also defined as in or to or toward a past time. It is also defined as place a bet on. It is also defined as be behind; approve of. It is also defined as located at or near the back of an animal. It is also defined as the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer. It is also defined as at or to or toward the back or rear. It is also defined as (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage. It is also defined as be in back of. It is also defined as cause to travel backward. It is also defined as (football) a person who plays in the backfield. It is also defined as of an earlier date. It is also defined as related to or located at the back. It is also defined as shift to a counterclockwise direction. It is also defined as strengthen by providing with a back or backing. It is also defined as support financial backing for. It is also defined as the part of a garment that covers the back of your body. It is also defined as travel backward.

BARB is defined as an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect. It is also defined as a subsidiary point facing opposite from the main point that makes an arrowhead or spear hard to remove. It is also defined as one of the parallel filaments projecting from the main shaft of a feather. It is also defined as provide with barbs. It is also defined as the pointed part of barbed wire.

BARD is defined as put a caparison on. It is also defined as a lyric poet. It is also defined as an ornamental caparison for a horse.

BARK is defined as remove the bark of a tree. It is also defined as a sailing ship with 3 (or more) masts. It is also defined as a noise resembling the bark of a dog. It is also defined as cover with bark. It is also defined as make barking sounds. It is also defined as speak in an unfriendly tone. It is also defined as tan (a skin) with bark tannins. It is also defined as the sound made by a dog. It is also defined as tough protective covering of the woody stems and roots of trees and other woody plants.

BARRACK is defined as laugh at with contempt and derision. It is also defined as spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts. It is also defined as a building or group of buildings used to house military personnel. It is also defined as lodge in barracks.

BRAD is defined as a small nail. It is also defined as fasten with brads.

BRAY is defined as reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading. It is also defined as braying characteristic of donkeys. It is also defined as laugh loudly and harshly. It is also defined as the cry of an ass.

CABBY is defined as someone who drives a taxi for a living.

CADDY is defined as a can for storing tea. It is also defined as act as a caddie and carry clubs for a player.

The word CAKY has no known definition.

The word CARB has no known definition.

CARD is defined as a list of dishes available at a restaurant. It is also defined as a printed or written greeting that is left to indicate that you have visited. It is also defined as a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement. It is also defined as (golf) a record of scores (as in golf). It is also defined as a witty amusing person who makes jokes. It is also defined as (baseball) a list of batters in the order in which they will bat. It is also defined as separate the fibers of. It is also defined as a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer’s capabilities. It is also defined as a card certifying the identity of the bearer. It is also defined as a rectangular piece of stiff paper used to send messages (may have printed greetings or pictures). It is also defined as ask someone for identification to determine whether he or she is old enough to consume liquor. It is also defined as one of a set of small pieces of stiff paper marked in various ways and used for playing games or for telling fortunes. It is also defined as thin cardboard, usually rectangular.

CARRY is defined as transmit or serve as the medium for transmission. It is also defined as transfer (entries) from one account book to another. It is also defined as have with oneself; have on one’s person. It is also defined as drink alcohol without showing ill effects. It is also defined as serve as a means for expressing something. It is also defined as continue or extend. It is also defined as include as the content; broadcast or publicize. It is also defined as win approval or support for. It is also defined as have on hand. It is also defined as behave in a certain manner. It is also defined as contain or hold; have within. It is also defined as propel. It is also defined as move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one’s hands or on one’s body. It is also defined as support or hold in a certain manner. It is also defined as be pregnant with. It is also defined as be able to feed. It is also defined as bear (a crop). It is also defined as bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of. It is also defined as be conveyed over a certain distance. It is also defined as be equipped with (a mast or sail). It is also defined as be necessarily associated with or result in or involve. It is also defined as be successful in. It is also defined as capture after a fight. It is also defined as compensate for a weaker partner or member by one’s own performance. It is also defined as cover a certain distance or advance beyond. It is also defined as extend to a certain degree. It is also defined as have a certain range. It is also defined as have as an inherent or characteristic feature or have as a consequence. It is also defined as have on the surface or on the skin. It is also defined as have or possess something abstract. It is also defined as include, as on a list. It is also defined as keep up with financial support. It is also defined as pass on a communication. It is also defined as propel or give impetus to. It is also defined as pursue a line of scent or be a bearer. It is also defined as secure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions). It is also defined as sing or play against other voices or parts. It is also defined as take further or advance. It is also defined as the act of carrying something. It is also defined as transfer (a number, cipher, or remainder) to the next column or unit’s place before or after, in addition or multiplication. It is also defined as win in an election.

CRAB is defined as a quarrelsome grouch. It is also defined as a louse that infests the pubic region of the human body. It is also defined as the edible flesh of any of various crabs. It is also defined as complain. It is also defined as the fourth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about June 21 to July 22. It is also defined as (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Cancer. It is also defined as a stroke of the oar that either misses the water or digs too deeply. It is also defined as decapod having eyes on short stalks and a broad flattened carapace with a small abdomen folded under the thorax and pincers. It is also defined as direct (an aircraft) into a crosswind. It is also defined as fish for crab. It is also defined as scurry sideways like a crab.

CRABBY is defined as annoyed and irritable.

CRACK is defined as a purified and potent form of cocaine that is smoked rather than snorted; highly addictive. It is also defined as a long narrow opening. It is also defined as a usually brief attempt. It is also defined as a narrow opening. It is also defined as become fractured; break or crack on the surface only. It is also defined as suffer a nervous breakdown. It is also defined as a chance to do something. It is also defined as break suddenly and abruptly, as under tension. It is also defined as witty remark. It is also defined as pass through (a barrier). It is also defined as make a sharp sound. It is also defined as of the highest quality. It is also defined as a long narrow depression in a surface. It is also defined as a sudden sharp noise. It is also defined as the act of cracking something. It is also defined as a blemish resulting from a break without complete separation of the parts. It is also defined as break into simpler molecules by means of heat. It is also defined as break partially but keep its integrity. It is also defined as cause to become cracked. It is also defined as gain unauthorized access computers with malicious intentions. It is also defined as hit forcefully; deal a hard blow, making a cracking noise. It is also defined as make a very sharp explosive sound. It is also defined as reduce (petroleum) to a simpler compound by cracking. It is also defined as tell spontaneously.

CRYBABY is defined as a person given to excessive complaints and crying and whining. It is also defined as a person who lacks confidence, is irresolute and wishy-washy.

DADDY is defined as an informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talk.

DARK is defined as the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside. It is also defined as stemming from evil characteristics or forces; wicked or dishonorable. It is also defined as absence of light or illumination. It is also defined as causing dejection. It is also defined as absence of moral or spiritual values. It is also defined as lacking enlightenment or knowledge or culture. It is also defined as marked by difficulty of style or expression. It is also defined as an unenlightened state. It is also defined as showing a brooding ill humor. It is also defined as an unilluminated area. It is also defined as brunet (used of hair or skin or eyes). It is also defined as devoid of or deficient in light or brightness; shadowed or black. It is also defined as not giving performances; closed. It is also defined as secret. It is also defined as (used of color) having a dark hue.

DRAB is defined as a dull greyish to yellowish or light olive brown. It is also defined as lacking brightness or color; dull. It is also defined as causing dejection. It is also defined as of a light brownish green color. It is also defined as lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise.

DRAY is defined as a low heavy horse cart without sides; used for haulage.

DRYAD is defined as a deity or nymph of the woods.

DYAD is defined as two items of the same kind.

KAYAK is defined as a small canoe consisting of a light frame made watertight with animal skins; used by Eskimos. It is also defined as travel in a small canoe.

RACK is defined as an instrument of torture that stretches or disjoints or mutilates victims. It is also defined as torment emotionally or mentally. It is also defined as a support for displaying various articles. It is also defined as go at a rack. It is also defined as a rapid gait of a horse in which each foot strikes the ground separately. It is also defined as the destruction or collapse of something. It is also defined as obtain by coercion or intimidation. It is also defined as run before a gale. It is also defined as a form of torture in which pain is inflicted by stretching the body. It is also defined as draw off from the lees. It is also defined as fly in high wind. It is also defined as framework for holding objects. It is also defined as put on a rack and pinion. It is also defined as rib section of a forequarter of veal or pork or especially lamb or mutton. It is also defined as seize together, as of parallel ropes of a tackle in order to prevent running through the block. It is also defined as stretch to the limits. It is also defined as torture on the rack. It is also defined as work on a rack.

RACY is defined as marked by richness and fullness of flavor. It is also defined as full of zest or vigor. It is also defined as suggestive of sexual impropriety. It is also defined as designed or suitable for competing in a race.

RADAR is defined as measuring instrument in which the echo of a pulse of microwave radiation is used to detect and locate distant objects.

YARD is defined as a unit of volume (as for sand or gravel). It is also defined as a unit of length equal to 3 feet; defined as 91.44 centimeters; originally taken to be the average length of a stride. It is also defined as the cardinal number that is the product of 10 and 100. It is also defined as an area having a network of railway tracks and sidings for storage and maintenance of cars and engines. It is also defined as the enclosed land around a house or other building. It is also defined as a long horizontal spar tapered at the end and used to support and spread a square sail or lateen. It is also defined as an enclosure for animals (as chicken or livestock). It is also defined as a tract of land enclosed for particular activities (sometimes paved and usually associated with buildings). It is also defined as a tract of land where logs are accumulated.

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