New York Times NYT Spelling Bee Answers and Solution for March 4, 2021

These are answers and solution to the New York Times Spelling Bee Puzzle. The answers for the NYT puzzle can be learned by watching the video below. Don’t forget to subscribe to get daily updates.

Today’s pangrams are HATEFUL and HEALTHFUL.

HATEFUL is defined as characterized by malice. It is also defined as evoking or deserving hatred.

HEALTHFUL is defined as free from filth and pathogens. It is also defined as conducive to good health of body or mind.

ALFALFA is defined as important European leguminous forage plant with trifoliate leaves and blue-violet flowers grown widely as a pasture and hay crop. It is also defined as leguminous plant grown for hay or forage.

ALLELE is defined as (genetics) either of a pair (or series) of alternative forms of a gene that can occupy the same locus on a particular chromosome and that control the same character.

ATHLETE is defined as a person trained to compete in sports.

ELATE is defined as fill with high spirits; fill with optimism.

FALAFEL is defined as small croquette of mashed chick peas or fava beans seasoned with sesame seeds.

FALL is defined as move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way. It is also defined as the act of surrendering (usually under agreed conditions). It is also defined as come into the possession of. It is also defined as when a wrestler’s shoulders are forced to the mat. It is also defined as fall from clouds. It is also defined as lose an upright position suddenly. It is also defined as a sudden decline in strength or number or importance. It is also defined as fall or flow in a certain way. It is also defined as fall to somebody by assignment or lot. It is also defined as a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity. It is also defined as a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity. It is also defined as touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly. It is also defined as decrease in size, extent, or range. It is also defined as come as if by falling. It is also defined as a downward slope or bend. It is also defined as the season when the leaves fall from the trees. It is also defined as the time of day immediately following sunset. It is also defined as a sudden drop from an upright position. It is also defined as come under, be classified or included. It is also defined as be inherited by. It is also defined as a lapse into sin; a loss of innocence or of chastity. It is also defined as a movement downward. It is also defined as assume a disappointed or sad expression. It is also defined as be born, used chiefly of lambs. It is also defined as be captured. It is also defined as be cast down. It is also defined as be due. It is also defined as begin vigorously. It is also defined as come out; issue. It is also defined as descend in free fall under the influence of gravity. It is also defined as die, as in battle or in a hunt. It is also defined as drop oneself to a lower or less erect position. It is also defined as go as if by falling. It is also defined as lose office or power. It is also defined as lose one’s chastity. It is also defined as move in a specified direction. It is also defined as occur at a specified time or place. It is also defined as pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind. It is also defined as slope downward. It is also defined as suffer defeat, failure, or ruin. It is also defined as the lapse of mankind into sinfulness because of the sin of Adam and Eve. It is also defined as to be given by assignment or distribution. It is also defined as to be given by right or inheritance. It is also defined as yield to temptation or sin.

FATAL is defined as (of events) having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences; bringing ruin. It is also defined as controlled or decreed by fate; predetermined. It is also defined as having momentous consequences; of decisive importance. It is also defined as bringing death.

FATE is defined as decree or designate beforehand. It is also defined as the ultimate agency regarded as predetermining the course of events (often personified as a woman). It is also defined as an event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future. It is also defined as your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you).

FATEFUL is defined as ominously prophetic. It is also defined as (of events) having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences; bringing ruin. It is also defined as controlled or decreed by fate; predetermined. It is also defined as having momentous consequences; of decisive importance.

FAULT is defined as a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention. It is also defined as an imperfection in an object or machine. It is also defined as the quality of being inadequate or falling short of perfection. It is also defined as (geology) a crack in the earth’s crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other. It is also defined as put or pin the blame on. It is also defined as (electronics) equipment failure attributable to some defect in a circuit (loose connection or insulation failure or short circuit etc.). It is also defined as responsibility for a bad situation or event. It is also defined as (sports) a serve that is illegal (e.g., that lands outside the prescribed area).

FEAT is defined as a notable achievement.

FELLA is defined as a boy or man.

FELLATE is defined as provide sexual gratification through oral stimulation.

The word FETA has no known definition.

FETAL is defined as of or relating to a fetus.

FLAT is defined as a deflated pneumatic tire. It is also defined as freight car without permanent sides or roof. It is also defined as a suite of rooms usually on one floor of an apartment house. It is also defined as lacking the expected range or depth; not designed to give an illusion or depth. It is also defined as in a forthright manner; candidly or frankly. It is also defined as not modified or restricted by reservations. It is also defined as not reflecting light; not glossy. It is also defined as lacking stimulating characteristics; uninteresting. It is also defined as lacking taste or flavor or tang. It is also defined as having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another. It is also defined as sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch. It is also defined as stretched out and lying at full length along the ground. It is also defined as flattened laterally along the whole length (e.g., certain leafstalks or flatfishes). It is also defined as a level tract of land. It is also defined as a musical notation indicating one half step lower than the note named. It is also defined as a shallow box in which seedlings are started. It is also defined as commercially inactive. It is also defined as having a relatively broad surface in relation to depth or thickness. It is also defined as having lost effervescence. It is also defined as horizontally level. It is also defined as lacking contrast or shading between tones. It is also defined as (of a musical note) lowered in pitch by one chromatic semitone. It is also defined as scenery consisting of a wooden frame covered with painted canvas; part of a stage setting.

The word FLAUTA has no known definition.

FLEA is defined as any wingless bloodsucking parasitic insect noted for ability to leap.

HAFT is defined as the handle of a weapon or tool.

HALAL is defined as conforming to dietary laws. It is also defined as (Islam) meat from animals that have been slaughtered in the prescribed way according to the shariah. It is also defined as proper or legitimate.

HALE is defined as prolific United States writer (1822-1909). It is also defined as to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means. It is also defined as United States astronomer who discovered that sunspots are associated with strong magnetic fields (1868-1938). It is also defined as a soldier of the American Revolution who was hanged as a spy by the British; his last words were supposed to have been `I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country’ (1755-1776). It is also defined as draw slowly or heavily. It is also defined as exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health.

HALF is defined as one of two equal parts of a divisible whole. It is also defined as consisting of one of two equivalent parts in value or quantity. It is also defined as one of two divisions into which some games or performances are divided: the two divisions are separated by an interval. It is also defined as partial. It is also defined as (of siblings) related through one parent only. It is also defined as partially or to the extent of a half.

HALL is defined as United States chemist who developed an economical method of producing aluminum from bauxite (1863-1914). It is also defined as a large entrance or reception room or area. It is also defined as a college or university building containing living quarters for students. It is also defined as United States child psychologist whose theories of child psychology strongly influenced educational psychology (1844-1924). It is also defined as a large and imposing house. It is also defined as an interior passage or corridor onto which rooms open. It is also defined as English writer whose novel about a lesbian relationship was banned in Britain for many years (1883-1943). It is also defined as the large room of a manor or castle. It is also defined as United States astronomer who discovered Phobos and Deimos (the two satellites of Mars) (1829-1907). It is also defined as United States explorer who led three expeditions to the Arctic (1821-1871). It is also defined as a large building for meetings or entertainment. It is also defined as a large building used by a college or university for teaching or research. It is also defined as a large room for gatherings or entertainment.

HALT is defined as an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement. It is also defined as the state of inactivity following an interruption. It is also defined as cause to stop. It is also defined as stop from happening or developing. It is also defined as stop the flow of a liquid. It is also defined as come to a halt, stop moving. It is also defined as the event of something ending. It is also defined as disabled in the feet or legs.

HATE is defined as the emotion of intense dislike; a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action. It is also defined as dislike intensely; feel antipathy or aversion towards.

The word HATH has no known definition.

The word HATHA has no known definition.

HAUL is defined as draw slowly or heavily. It is also defined as the quantity that was caught. It is also defined as the act of drawing or hauling something. It is also defined as transport in a vehicle.

The word HAUTE has no known definition.

HEAL is defined as provide a cure for, make healthy again. It is also defined as heal or recover. It is also defined as get healthy again.

HEALTH is defined as a healthy state of wellbeing free from disease. It is also defined as the general condition of body and mind.

HEAT is defined as gain heat or get hot. It is also defined as make hot or hotter. It is also defined as the sensation caused by heat energy. It is also defined as arouse or excite feelings and passions. It is also defined as utility to warm a building. It is also defined as the trait of being intensely emotional. It is also defined as a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature. It is also defined as the presence of heat. It is also defined as applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity. It is also defined as a preliminary race in which the winner advances to a more important race. It is also defined as provide with heat.

HEATH is defined as a tract of level wasteland; uncultivated land with sandy soil and scrubby vegetation. It is also defined as a low evergreen shrub of the family Ericaceae; has small bell-shaped pink or purple flowers.

HULA is defined as a Polynesian rain dance performed by a woman.

LATE is defined as in the recent past. It is also defined as at or toward an end or late period or stage of development. It is also defined as to an advanced time. It is also defined as later than usual or than expected. It is also defined as after the expected or usual time; delayed. It is also defined as (used especially of persons) of the immediate past. It is also defined as of the immediate past or just previous to the present time. It is also defined as being or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or expected time. It is also defined as having died recently. It is also defined as of a later stage in the development of a language or literature; used especially of dead languages.

LATH is defined as a narrow thin strip of wood used as backing for plaster or to make latticework.

LATHE is defined as machine tool for shaping metal or wood; the workpiece turns about a horizontal axis against a fixed tool.

LATTE is defined as strong espresso coffee with a topping of frothed steamed milk.

LEAF is defined as look through a book or other written material. It is also defined as the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants. It is also defined as a sheet of any written or printed material (especially in a manuscript or book). It is also defined as hinged or detachable flat section (as of a table or door). It is also defined as produce leaves, of plants. It is also defined as turn over pages.

LEAFLET is defined as a small book usually having a paper cover. It is also defined as a thin triangular flap of a heart valve. It is also defined as part of a compound leaf.

LETHAL is defined as of an instrument of certain death.

LUAU is defined as an elaborate Hawaiian feast or party (especially one accompanied by traditional foods and entertainment).

LUTEAL is defined as of or relating to the corpus luteum.

TAFFETA is defined as a crisp smooth lustrous fabric.

TALE is defined as a trivial lie. It is also defined as a message that tells the particulars of an act or occurrence or course of events; presented in writing or drama or cinema or as a radio or television program.

TALL is defined as too improbable to admit of belief. It is also defined as lofty in style. It is also defined as a garment size for a tall person. It is also defined as great in vertical dimension; high in stature. It is also defined as impressively difficult.

TATTLE is defined as disclosing information or giving evidence about another. It is also defined as speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly. It is also defined as divulge confidential information or secrets.

TATTLETALE is defined as someone who gossips indiscreetly.

TAUT is defined as pulled or drawn tight. It is also defined as subjected to great tension; stretched tight.

TEAL is defined as a blue-green color or pigment. It is also defined as of a bluish shade of green. It is also defined as any of various small short-necked dabbling river ducks of Europe and America.

TEAT is defined as the small projection of a mammary gland.

The word TELEHEALTH has no known definition.

TELLTALE is defined as someone who gossips indiscreetly. It is also defined as disclosing unintentionally something concealed.

THAT is defined as As a demonstrative pronoun, that usually points out, or refers to, a person or thing previously mentioned, or supposed to be understood. That, as a demonstrative, may precede the noun to which it refers.. It is also defined as As a demonstrative pronoun, that usually points out, or refers to, a person or thing previously mentioned, or supposed to be understood. That, as a demonstrative, may precede the noun to which it refers.. It is also defined as As a demonstrative pronoun, that usually points out, or refers to, a person or thing previously mentioned, or supposed to be understood. That, as a demonstrative, may precede the noun to which it refers..

THETA is defined as the 8th letter of the Greek alphabet.

ULULATE is defined as emit long loud cries.

For the latest information about today’s New Yrok Times pangram, please go to Today’s NYT Pangram.


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