New York Times NYT Spelling Bee Answers and Solution for March 16, 2022

These are answers and solution to the New York Times Spelling Bee Puzzle. The answers for the NYT puzzle can be learned by watching the video below. Don’t forget to subscribe to get daily updates.

Today’s pangram is EXPECTANT.

EXPECTANT is defined as in an advanced stage of pregnancy. It is also defined as marked by eager anticipation.

ACCEPT is defined as give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to. It is also defined as be designed to hold or take. It is also defined as tolerate or accommodate oneself to. It is also defined as admit into a group or community. It is also defined as take on as one’s own the expenses or debts of another person. It is also defined as make use of or accept for some purpose. It is also defined as receive willingly something given or offered. It is also defined as be sexually responsive to, used of a female domesticated mammal. It is also defined as consider or hold as true. It is also defined as react favorably to; consider right and proper. It is also defined as receive (a report) officially, as from a committee.

ACCEPTANCE is defined as the mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true. It is also defined as a disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations. It is also defined as banking: a time draft drawn on and accepted by a bank. It is also defined as the act of accepting with approval; favorable reception. It is also defined as (contract law) words signifying consent to the terms of an offer (thereby creating a contract). It is also defined as the act of taking something that is offered. It is also defined as the state of being acceptable and accepted.

APACE is defined as with speed. It is also defined as (poetic, literary) quickly.

APEX is defined as the point on the celestial sphere toward which the sun and solar system appear to be moving relative to the fixed stars. It is also defined as the highest point (of something).

APNEA is defined as transient cessation of respiration.

CANAPE is defined as an appetizer consisting usually of a thin slice of bread or toast spread with caviar or cheese or other savory food.

CAPE is defined as a sleeveless garment like a cloak but shorter. It is also defined as a strip of land projecting into a body of water.

CATNAP is defined as take a siesta. It is also defined as sleeping for a short period of time (usually not in bed).

EPEE is defined as a fencing sword similar to a foil but with a heavier blade.

EXCEPT is defined as take exception to. It is also defined as prevent from being included or considered or accepted.

EXPAT is defined as a person who is voluntarily absent from home or country.

EXPECT is defined as regard something as probable or likely. It is also defined as consider obligatory; request and expect. It is also defined as look forward to the probable occurrence of. It is also defined as be pregnant with. It is also defined as consider reasonable or due. It is also defined as look forward to the birth of a child.

NAPE is defined as the back side of the neck.

NEAP is defined as a less than average tide occurring at the first and third quarters of the moon.

PACE is defined as a unit of length equal to 3 feet; defined as 91.44 centimeters; originally taken to be the average length of a stride. It is also defined as the relative speed of progress or change. It is also defined as measure (distances) by pacing. It is also defined as the rate of moving (especially walking or running). It is also defined as the rate of some repeating event. It is also defined as a step in walking or running. It is also defined as the distance covered by a step. It is also defined as go at a pace. It is also defined as regulate or set the pace of. It is also defined as walk with slow or fast paces.

PACT is defined as a written agreement between two states or sovereigns.

PAEAN is defined as a formal expression of praise. It is also defined as (ancient Greece) a hymn of praise (especially one sung in ancient Greece to invoke or thank a deity).

PANACEA is defined as hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemists. It is also defined as (Greek mythology) the goddess of healing; daughter of Aesculapius and sister of Hygeia.

The word PANCETTA has no known definition.

PANE is defined as street name for lysergic acid diethylamide. It is also defined as sheet glass cut in shapes for windows or doors. It is also defined as a panel or section of panels in a wall or door.

PANT is defined as a short labored intake of breath with the mouth open. It is also defined as (usually in the plural) a garment extending from the waist to the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately. It is also defined as breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted. It is also defined as the noise made by a short puff of steam (as from an engine). It is also defined as utter while panting, as if out of breath.

PAPA is defined as an informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talk.

PATE is defined as the top of the head. It is also defined as liver or meat or fowl finely minced or ground and variously seasoned.

PATENT is defined as clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment. It is also defined as an official document granting a right or privilege. It is also defined as a document granting an inventor sole rights to an invention. It is also defined as grant rights to; grant a patent for. It is also defined as make open to sight or notice. It is also defined as obtain a patent for. It is also defined as (of a bodily tube or passageway) open; affording free passage.

PATENTEE is defined as the inventor to whom a patent is issued.

PEACE is defined as the absence of mental stress or anxiety. It is also defined as the general security of public places. It is also defined as a treaty to cease hostilities. It is also defined as harmonious relations; freedom from disputes. It is also defined as the state prevailing during the absence of war.

PEAT is defined as partially carbonized vegetable matter saturated with water; can be used as a fuel when dried.

PECAN is defined as tree of southern United States and Mexico cultivated for its nuts. It is also defined as smooth brown oval nut of south central United States. It is also defined as wood of a pecan tree.

PECCANT is defined as liable to sin.

PEEN is defined as the part of a hammerhead opposite the flat striking surface (may have various shapes).

PEEP is defined as a secret look. It is also defined as the short weak cry of a young bird. It is also defined as make high-pitched sounds. It is also defined as appear as though from hiding. It is also defined as cause to appear. It is also defined as look furtively. It is also defined as speak in a hesitant and high-pitched tone of voice.

PENANCE is defined as remorse for your past conduct. It is also defined as voluntary self-punishment in order to atone for some wrongdoing. It is also defined as a Catholic sacrament; repentance and confession and atonement and absolution.

The word PENCE has no known definition.

PENNANT is defined as a long flag; often tapering. It is also defined as the award given to the champion. It is also defined as a flag longer than it is wide (and often tapering).

PENNE is defined as pasta in short tubes with diagonally cut ends.

PENT is defined as closely confined.

The word PENTANE has no known definition.

TAPA is defined as a paperlike cloth made in the South Pacific by pounding tapa bark. It is also defined as the thin fibrous bark of the paper mulberry and Pipturus albidus.

TAPE is defined as measuring instrument consisting of a narrow strip (cloth or metal) marked in inches or centimeters and used for measuring lengths. It is also defined as a recording made on magnetic tape. It is also defined as register electronically. It is also defined as record on videotape. It is also defined as memory device consisting of a long thin plastic strip coated with iron oxide; used to record audio or video signals or to store computer information. It is also defined as a long thin piece of cloth or paper as used for binding or fastening. It is also defined as fasten or attach with tape. It is also defined as the finishing line for a foot race.

TEEPEE is defined as a Native American tent; usually of conical shape.

TEPEE is defined as a Native American tent; usually of conical shape.

For the latest information about today’s New Yrok Times pangram, please go to Today’s NYT Pangram.

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