New York Times NYT Spelling Bee Answers and Solution for February 14, 2022

These are answers and solution to the New York Times Spelling Bee Puzzle. The answers for the NYT puzzle can be learned by watching the video below. Don’t forget to subscribe to get daily updates.

Today’s pangrams are VALENTINE and VENTILATE.

VALENTINE is defined as a card sent or given (as to a sweetheart) on Saint Valentine’s Day. It is also defined as a sweetheart chosen to receive a greeting on Saint Valentine’s Day.

VENTILATE is defined as expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen. It is also defined as give expression or utterance to. It is also defined as circulate through and freshen. It is also defined as expose to the circulation of fresh air so as to retard spoilage. It is also defined as furnish with an opening to allow air to circulate or gas to escape.

ALIVE is defined as capable of erupting. It is also defined as possessing life. It is also defined as mentally perceptive and responsive. It is also defined as in operation. It is also defined as having life or vigor or spirit. It is also defined as (followed by `to’ or `of’) aware of. It is also defined as (often followed by `with’) full of life and spirit.

ALLEVIATE is defined as make easier. It is also defined as provide physical relief, as from pain.

ANVIL is defined as the ossicle between the malleus and the stapes. It is also defined as a heavy block of iron or steel on which hot metals are shaped by hammering.

ATTENTIVE is defined as taking heed; giving close and thoughtful attention. It is also defined as (often followed by `to’) giving care or attention.

AVAIL is defined as a means of serving. It is also defined as take or use. It is also defined as be of use to, be useful to. It is also defined as use to one’s advantage.

AVIAN is defined as pertaining to or characteristic of birds.

AVIATE is defined as operate an airplane.

The word EAVE has no known definition.

ELEVATE is defined as give a promotion to or assign to a higher position. It is also defined as raise from a lower to a higher position. It is also defined as raise in rank or condition.

ELEVEN is defined as a team that plays football. It is also defined as the cardinal number that is the sum of ten and one. It is also defined as being one more than ten.

ENLIVEN is defined as heighten or intensify. It is also defined as make lively.

EVEN is defined as to a greater degree or extent; used with comparisons. It is also defined as of the score in a contest. It is also defined as occurring at fixed intervals. It is also defined as become even or more even. It is also defined as make even or more even. It is also defined as symmetrically arranged. It is also defined as make level or straight. It is also defined as the latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall). It is also defined as equal in degree or extent or amount; or equally matched or balanced. It is also defined as being level or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. in shape or texture; or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else (i.e. even with). It is also defined as divisible by two.

EVENT is defined as a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon. It is also defined as a special set of circumstances. It is also defined as a phenomenon located at a single point in space-time; the fundamental observational entity in relativity theory. It is also defined as something that happens at a given place and time.

EVIL is defined as morally objectionable behavior. It is also defined as having the nature of vice. It is also defined as having or exerting a malignant influence. It is also defined as the quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice. It is also defined as morally bad or wrong. It is also defined as that which causes harm or destruction or misfortune.

INATTENTIVE is defined as not showing due care or attention. It is also defined as showing a lack of attention or care.

INITIATIVE is defined as serving to set in motion. It is also defined as readiness to embark on bold new ventures. It is also defined as the first of a series of actions.

INVENT is defined as come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort. It is also defined as concoct something artificial or untrue.

INVENTIVE is defined as (used of persons or artifacts) marked by independence and creativity in thought or action.

INVITE is defined as ask someone in a friendly way to do something. It is also defined as have as a guest. It is also defined as give rise to a desire by being attractive or inviting. It is also defined as increase the likelihood of. It is also defined as request the participation or presence of. It is also defined as ask to enter. It is also defined as express willingness to have in one’s home or environs. It is also defined as invite someone to one’s house. It is also defined as a colloquial expression for invitation.

INVITEE is defined as a visitor to whom hospitality is extended.

LAVA is defined as rock that in its molten form (as magma) issues from volcanos; lava is what magma is called when it reaches the surface.

LAVE is defined as wash one’s face and hands. It is also defined as wash or flow against. It is also defined as cleanse (one’s body) with soap and water.

LEAVE is defined as leave unchanged or undisturbed or refrain from taking. It is also defined as remove oneself from an association with or participation in. It is also defined as leave behind unintentionally. It is also defined as produce as a result or residue. It is also defined as transmit (knowledge or skills). It is also defined as put into the care or protection of someone. It is also defined as move out of or depart from. It is also defined as the period of time during which you are absent from work or duty. It is also defined as be survived by after one’s death. It is also defined as the act of departing politely. It is also defined as go away from a place. It is also defined as leave or give by will after one’s death. It is also defined as make a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain. It is also defined as act or be so as to become in a specified state. It is also defined as go and leave behind, either intentionally or by neglect or forgetfulness. It is also defined as have left or have as a remainder. It is also defined as permission to do something.

LEAVEN is defined as cause to puff up with a leaven. It is also defined as an influence that works subtly to lighten or modify something. It is also defined as a substance used to produce fermentation in dough or a liquid.

LEVEE is defined as a formal reception of visitors or guests (as at a royal court). It is also defined as an embankment that is built in order to prevent a river from overflowing. It is also defined as a pier that provides a landing place on a river.

LEVEL is defined as a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process. It is also defined as indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquid. It is also defined as a flat surface at right angles to a plumb line. It is also defined as direct into a position for use. It is also defined as of the score in a contest. It is also defined as become level or even. It is also defined as tear down so as to make flat with the ground. It is also defined as an abstract place usually conceived as having depth. It is also defined as a relative position or degree of value in a graded group. It is also defined as having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another. It is also defined as not showing abrupt variations. It is also defined as a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality. It is also defined as a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale. It is also defined as make level or straight. It is also defined as aim at. It is also defined as being on a precise horizontal plane. It is also defined as height above ground. It is also defined as oriented at right angles to the plumb. It is also defined as talk frankly with; lay it on the line.

LEVITATE is defined as be suspended in the air, as if in defiance of gravity. It is also defined as cause to rise in the air and float, as if in defiance of gravity.

LIVE is defined as actually being performed at the time of hearing or viewing. It is also defined as have life, be alive. It is also defined as capable of erupting. It is also defined as possessing life. It is also defined as elastic; rebounds readily. It is also defined as be an inhabitant of or reside in. It is also defined as support oneself. It is also defined as continue to live and avoid dying. It is also defined as charged or energized with electricity. It is also defined as have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations. It is also defined as abounding with life and energy. It is also defined as charged with an explosive. It is also defined as exerting force or containing energy. It is also defined as highly reverberant. It is also defined as in current use or ready for use. It is also defined as lead a certain kind of life; live in a certain style. It is also defined as of current relevance. It is also defined as pursue a positive and satisfying existence.

LIVEN is defined as make lively.

NAIVE is defined as marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience. It is also defined as lacking information or instruction. It is also defined as of or created by one without formal training; simple or naive in style. It is also defined as not initiated; deficient in relevant experience. It is also defined as inexperienced.

NAIVETE is defined as lack of sophistication or worldliness.

NATIVE is defined as characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning. It is also defined as an indigenous person who was born in a particular place. It is also defined as a person born in a particular place or country. It is also defined as as found in nature in the elemental form. It is also defined as belonging to one by birth. It is also defined as characteristic of or existing by virtue of geographic origin. It is also defined as indigenous plants and animals.

NAVAL is defined as connected with or belonging to or used in a navy.

NAVE is defined as the central area of a church.

NAVEL is defined as a scar where the umbilical cord was attached. It is also defined as the center point or middle of something.

TENTATIVE is defined as unsettled in mind or opinion. It is also defined as under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon.

TITIVATE is defined as make neat, smart, or trim.

VAIN is defined as unproductive of success. It is also defined as characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

VALE is defined as a long depression in the surface of the land that usually contains a river.

VALET is defined as a manservant who acts as a personal attendant to his employer. It is also defined as serve as a personal attendant to.

VALIANT is defined as having or showing valor.

VALVE is defined as a structure in a hollow organ (like the heart) with a flap to insure one-way flow of fluid through it. It is also defined as control consisting of a mechanical device for controlling the flow of a fluid. It is also defined as device in a brass wind instrument for varying the length of the air column to alter the pitch of a tone. It is also defined as one of the paired hinged shells of certain molluscs and of brachiopods. It is also defined as the entire one-piece shell of a snail and certain other molluscs.

VANE is defined as mechanical device attached to an elevated structure; rotates freely to show the direction of the wind. It is also defined as the flattened weblike part of a feather consisting of a series of barbs on either side of the shaft. It is also defined as flat surface that rotates and pushes against air or water. It is also defined as a fin attached to the tail of an arrow, bomb or missile in order to stabilize or guide it.

VANILLA is defined as a flavoring prepared from vanilla beans macerated in alcohol (or imitating vanilla beans). It is also defined as a distinctive fragrant flavor characteristic of vanilla beans. It is also defined as any of numerous climbing plants of the genus Vanilla having fleshy leaves and clusters of large waxy highly fragrant white or green or topaz flowers. It is also defined as plain and without any extras or adornments. It is also defined as flavored with vanilla extract.

VANILLIN is defined as a crystalline compound found in vanilla beans and some balsam resins; used in perfumes and flavorings.

VEAL is defined as meat from a calf.

VEIL is defined as make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing. It is also defined as a vestment worn by a priest at High Mass in the Roman Catholic Church; a silk shawl. It is also defined as the inner membrane of embryos in higher vertebrates (especially when covering the head at birth). It is also defined as a garment that covers the head and face. It is also defined as a membranous covering attached to the immature fruiting body of certain mushrooms. It is also defined as to obscure, or conceal with or as if with a veil.

VEIN is defined as a blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the heart. It is also defined as one of the horny ribs that stiffen and support the wing of an insect. It is also defined as any of the vascular bundles or ribs that form the branching framework of conducting and supporting tissues in a leaf or other plant organ. It is also defined as a layer of ore between layers of rock. It is also defined as a distinctive style or manner. It is also defined as make a veinlike pattern.

VELVET is defined as resembling velvet in having a smooth soft surface. It is also defined as smooth and soft to sight or hearing or touch or taste. It is also defined as a silky densely piled fabric with a plain back.

VELVETEEN is defined as a usually cotton fabric with a short pile imitating velvet.

VENAL is defined as capable of being corrupted.

VENIAL is defined as easily excused or forgiven. It is also defined as warranting only temporal punishment.

VENT is defined as activity that frees or expresses creative energy or emotion. It is also defined as expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen. It is also defined as give expression or utterance to. It is also defined as a fissure in the earth’s crust (or in the surface of some other planet) through which molten lava and gases erupt. It is also defined as a hole for the escape of gas or air. It is also defined as a slit in a garment (as in the back seam of a jacket). It is also defined as external opening of urinary or genital system of a lower vertebrate.

VIAL is defined as a small bottle that contains a drug (especially a sealed sterile container for injection by needle).

VILE is defined as causing or able to cause nausea. It is also defined as morally reprehensible.

VILLA is defined as Mexican revolutionary leader (1877-1923). It is also defined as country house in ancient Rome consisting of residential quarters and farm buildings around a courtyard. It is also defined as detached or semidetached suburban house. It is also defined as pretentious and luxurious country residence with extensive grounds.

VILLAIN is defined as a wicked or evil person; someone who does evil deliberately. It is also defined as the principal bad character in a film or work of fiction.

The word VILLANELLE has no known definition.

VINE is defined as a plant with a weak stem that derives support from climbing, twining, or creeping along a surface.

VITAL is defined as urgently needed; absolutely necessary. It is also defined as performing an essential function in the living body. It is also defined as full of spirit; full of life. It is also defined as manifesting or characteristic of life.

VITIATE is defined as corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality. It is also defined as make imperfect. It is also defined as take away the legal force of or render ineffective.

For the latest information about today’s New Yrok Times pangram, please go to Today’s NYT Pangram.

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