New York Times NYT Spelling Bee Answers and Solution for March 27, 2021

These are answers and solution to the New York Times Spelling Bee Puzzle. The answers for the NYT puzzle can be learned by watching the video below. Don’t forget to subscribe to get daily updates.

Today’s pangram is EVOKING.

The word EVOKING has no known definition.

EGGNOG is defined as a punch made of sweetened milk or cream mixed with eggs and usually alcoholic liquor.

The word ENOKI has no known definition.

EVOKE is defined as call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses). It is also defined as summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic. It is also defined as evoke or provoke to appear or occur. It is also defined as call to mind. It is also defined as deduce (a principle) or construe (a meaning).

GINKGO is defined as deciduous dioecious Chinese tree having fan-shaped leaves and fleshy yellow seeds; exists almost exclusively in cultivation especially as an ornamental street tree.

GOING is defined as the act of departing. It is also defined as euphemistic expressions for death. It is also defined as advancing toward a goal. It is also defined as in full operation.

GONE is defined as drained of energy or effectiveness; extremely tired; completely exhausted. It is also defined as well in the past; former. It is also defined as stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol). It is also defined as dead. It is also defined as destroyed or killed. It is also defined as used up or no longer available.

GONG is defined as a percussion instrument consisting of a set of tuned bells that are struck with a hammer; used as an orchestral instrument. It is also defined as a percussion instrument consisting of a metal plate that is struck with a softheaded drumstick. It is also defined as sound a gong.

GOON is defined as an awkward stupid person. It is also defined as an aggressive and violent young criminal.

INVOKE is defined as summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic. It is also defined as request earnestly (something from somebody); ask for aid or protection. It is also defined as cite as an authority; resort to.

The word INVOKING has no known definition.

KENO is defined as a game in which numbered balls are drawn at random and players cover the corresponding numbers on their cards.

KOOK is defined as someone regarded as eccentric or crazy and standing out from a group.

NEON is defined as a colorless odorless gaseous element that give a red glow in a vacuum tube; one of the six inert gasses; occurs in the air in small amounts.

NOGGIN is defined as informal terms for a human head.

NONE is defined as a canonical hour that is the ninth hour of the day counting from sunrise. It is also defined as a service in the Roman Catholic Church formerly read or chanted at 3 PM (the ninth hour counting from sunrise) but now somewhat earlier. It is also defined as not any.

The word NOOGIE has no known definition.

NOOK is defined as an interior angle formed by two meeting walls. It is also defined as a sheltered and secluded place.

NOON is defined as the middle of the day.

OGEE is defined as a molding that (in section) has the shape of an S with the convex part above and the concave part below.

OGIVE is defined as front consisting of the conical head of a missile or rocket that protects the payload from heat during its passage through the atmosphere.

OINK is defined as the short low gruff noise of the kind made by hogs. It is also defined as utter a high-pitched cry, characteristic of pigs.

The word OINKING has no known definition.

ONGOING is defined as currently happening.

ONION is defined as bulbous plant having hollow leaves cultivated worldwide for its rounded edible bulb. It is also defined as an aromatic flavorful vegetable. It is also defined as the bulb of an onion plant.

OVEN is defined as kitchen appliance used for baking or roasting.

OVINE is defined as of or pertaining to or of the nature of or characteristic of a sheep or sheep.

For the latest information about today’s New Yrok Times pangram, please go to Today’s NYT Pangram.

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